Are you ready to dive into your writing life?

At the Tennants Cove Writers Workshop, the focus is on the craft of writing, whether you are starting a new manuscript or revising work in progress. We can help you find your writing voice and generate new ideas. The retreat is located in a multi-generational farm in New Brunswick, Canada.  The eight-bedroom farmhouse sits on a nature preserve of 175 acres with a view of the cove and the wide, slow Saint John River. Bring your bug spray, your guitar, and your sense of humor.  We're serious writers who seriously retreat.

Our participants receive a full manuscript review as they met individually with screenwriter and novelist Melissa Scholes Young and creative nonfiction writer and memoirist Peter von Ziegesar. In addition to hands-on instruction, group workshops, and quiet times to write, they ate home-cooked meals, hiked in the fields, swam and kayaked. There were spectacular sunsets and breakthroughs in every area. The inspirational bonding among the writers continues even today.

The 2024 TCWW summer session will be held on July 28 through August 3, 2024. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!